About Me

jenny-rees-croppedHi! I’m Jenny Rees, Nebraska Extension Educator serving York, Seward, and Fillmore Counties. Previously I served as the Extension Educator for Clay County (and surrounding region of Nuckolls/Thayer/Fillmore/Webster/Butler/Polk) at various time-frames. My degrees are in agronomy, crop protection and plant pathology from UNL. 

I grew up on a small crop and livestock farm in Northeast Nebraska where I learned to love the farm and outdoors. My 4-H experiences helped me develop life skills such as public speaking, leadership, and plant identification-all of which I often utilize in my Extension career. My faith is an important part of my life. These experiences have shaped the way I approach Extension. I think and work with a system’s perspective with projects and problem solving. I also appreciate learning from the people I serve.

I really enjoy Extension for the flexibility and opportunity to help people. Every day is different-I never know what questions will be asked or what problems will need diagnosed, but I enjoy the challenge and change everyday! In Extension our mission is to provide unbiased, research-based information to the people we serve. Hopefully you will find this blog helpful for answering your agricultural production questions in addition to horticultural and other questions I receive in the Extension Office!

Belief * Responsibility * Learner * Achiever * Positivity

Feel free to contact me with questions or connect with me!

Jenny Rees
Nebraska Extension Educator
2345 Nebraska Ave.
York, NE 68467
(402) 362-5508
Cell (402) 440-4739

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/jenreesources
LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/jenreesources

  1. Here’s a new way to pull your Watermark sensors that just hit the market,


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